Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

Hayley had her first base ball game of the 2010 season last night. This year she is playing for the braves and has wonderful coaches! She was very excited and nervous fro her game and really wanted her dad to be there. About half an hour after the game started Hayley was all smiles when she noticed her dad in the stands. She has improved dramatically since last year and is one of the tallest players on her team. She proudly wears number 14 and walks to the plate when it's her turn to bat with confidence I haven't yet seen in her. Over all she has three at bats resulting in one base hit and two doubles. Anyone who has seen Hayley run knows that two doubles is amazing since she runs pretty slow! She played left center, right center, short stop, and pitcher. She made several good plays and was quick to get in front of the ball not letting anything past her. I am so proud of her and the growth I see in her confidence and skills on a daily basis. I love seeing her happy and the sparkle she gets in her eye when she is proud of herself.
We are huge base ball fans and our family has housed minor league base ball player since I was a little girl. Salem-Keizer has a farm team (the Volcanoes) for the SF Giants so we are devoted Giants fans. Last night Hayley said "Oh NO, mom were playing the Giants"... It was very cute. Emma enjoyed picking daisy's and sitting in the grass and we happily cheered, welcoming the start of a new season and new memories. This Meier family is eagerly saying "Take me out to the ball game!"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What a Relief

This morning my mom got a phone call regarding her biopsy. Great news was delivered, they found no cancer. What a relief it was to hear that. I was very worried for my mom and what she (and our family) would have to go through if they did find cancer. You just never know what your going to be dealt. This time my mom had a good hand, but things could have gone very differently. I am so thankful for all of your thoughts and prayers during this anxious time. This situation just reminds me how important it is to have regular check ups. I am so greatful for my families general good health and blessings the lord has given us!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Say a Little Prayer

A few weeks ago my mom went in for her mammogram. She got a phone call a few days later saying they saw something on the mammogram and that she needed some additional testing. She went in Monday morning and they did some scans of her breast and discovered that she does have a mass of some kind and that she needs to have a biopsy done. Thursday she goes in for the biopsy and hopefully she will have the results early next week. Needless to say my mom as well as the rest of us are feeling a little anxious and scared about this. We are hoping that it's just benign, but we all know that not everyone is so lucky. I have been saying lots of prayers for my mom and I have faith that God will not deal her or our family anything we cannot handle. I am asking that you keep my mom in your prayers during this scary time and I will update as soon as the results come back.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


What a wonderful morning. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not very religious. That said I do know this... Their is a God, I have complete faith in him and give thanks every day for the blessing and trials in my life. I do believe that Christ gave his life for us and that he rose so that we shall one day join him. So on this Easter I want everyone to know that I have been truly blessed in my life. Even on the worst day I am not dealt anything I cannot handle. I love my family very much and my heart melted just a little this morning as I watched my girl's happily open their Easter baskets and find their eggs. This year Emma was very excited to find the eggs. She had a look of surprise and joy on her face every time her or Hayley found one. Hayley in turn took joy in helping her find her eggs and relished in the giggles Emma had when she opened her eggs. Today is a good day for Christ has risen and I am blessed with love! I hope each of you has a wonderful Easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


*SIGH* I am so frustrated, both for myself and my daughter. Being a parent is so difficult! I want my children to be well mannered, listen, do what they are told, and be happy, respectful little people. I don't know if it's just me or if all eight year old girl's are so trying? By the end of each day I am left feeling sad and like I am failing as a parent. I have the most amazing, smart, caring, beautiful daughter, but for what ever reason lately she seems to be pushing me to my limits. She does the opposite of everything she is asked to do and her attitude is awful. I don't know what to do and a little advice would be really appreciated!