Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Days

Hayley riding her scooter...
Notice the happy smiles on both Hayley and Emma's face... Thank you Mr. Sunshine!

Emma learning to blow bubbles and so surprised when she actually blew a bubble...

What is about the sun being out that just makes all of our worries and stresses melt away? I love it and on the Oregon coast we don't get enough days where the sun is out and it's actually warm. So today was one of those exceptions and I decided to take advantage of it! Hayley had base ball pictures and the pitch, hit, run, this morning and then she went to play at her friends house for the afternoon. We had a rough morning and I was a little cranky, as was Emma. Her and I came home so she could take a nap and I could enjoy a little quiet time. Nice thought, but Emma wasn't about to go there. After she cried for 45 minutes in her crib I said enough, it's we need some sun. Outside we headed, bubbles, chalk, and Pooh Bear train in tow. I was blowing bubbles for Emma and she loved it, so I taught her to do it. I wasn't sure at 18 months if she would be able to grasp the concept of blowing bubbles, but she had it down in about 5 minutes. She was entertained for about an hour blowing bubbles. She was puffing away try so hard to get a bubble or two and every time she manages to get one she would make a surprised face and then giggle. It was so cute! Once Hayley got home the girl's rode their bikes/scooters and then. They had so much fun and we all felt much better. The sun made for a happy day!


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