Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Little Emma

Seeing that I am now 26 weeks into my pregnancy I have been really trying to enjoy my time with just Emma. I kind of thought that she would be my baby and boy was I wrong. I am so excited to be having another baby (3rd and final, but I am a little sad that I didn't get more one on one time with Emma. She is such a joyous handful and brightens our lives even on the darkest day. For being only 18 months she has more personality then several adults I know. She is stubborn, silly, determined, loving, smart, and full of sass! I have started taking her to story time at the public library on Tuesday's and she has so much fun. Today we listened to stories, sang silly songs, and then painted for craft time. Emma loved it! I had tutu orders to fill today so I got to work while Emma was down for her nap and when she woke up she wanted to wear them, so I let her put them on for a couple minutes so I could get some cute pics of them. These pics captured a little glimpse of her personality and I wanted to share them... Enjoy!
Emma cheesing it up during crafts...
Tada, here I am in all my glory!
She thought it was so funny that I was taking her picture she kept laughing...
This is by far my favorite of the bunch... Notice the hand on her hip, there is a little of that sass I mentioned :)


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