Monday, January 24, 2011

The Fat Girl Ate The Skinny Me!

It's been a long time since I have blogged about anything and I guess thats because I always want to "please" people so I was having a hard time coming up with things I thought people would want to read about. I have decided to redirect my blog and make it more like a journal. I am going to write about what is on my mind, write for myself, write for anyone who cares to read.
Today (and every other day) whats on my mind is the "fat girl" that ate the "skinny me". Thats right this is as real and raw as it gets. For 10 years I have been Fat and unhappy. Sometimes I am happy and forget whats on the outside, but then I catch my reflection in the mirror and am shocked by what I see. What I see in the mirror is not at all what I feel like or who I really am. On the inside I am fit, strong, fun, silly, full of energy, passionate, and ready to take life by the horns. I am "skinny", healthy, and beautiful on the inside, but this fat girl on the outside keeps holding that me back. The fat girl keeps telling that awesome skinny chick that she isn't good enough, shouldn't try, and one more cupcake is fine. Well that skinny me is taking a stand and is ready to put up a fight against that fat girl.
The fat girl is always telling the skinny girl that she can eat healthy tomorrow, she can go to the gym tomorrow, she can be happy tomorrow and the skinny me just lets her run the show. What I have finally realized is that the skinny me is not weak, the fat girl is. The skinny me has made up her mind and it's on. From today on out I promise the skinny me that I won't let that fat girl win!
So here it goes, no yo yo diets just healthy choices. I am not about to state my weight and I don't really think that is the most important part of this journey, but my goal is to lose 30 pounds by June. Thats about 2 pounds a week and I think that is perfectly reasonable. Every Monday I will weigh and then blog about my week. Hopefully this will be a positive outlet that will inspire and encourage the skinny me to keep pushing until that fat girl no longer exists.



I love that you are so strong to talk about this. It is inspiring. Luv ya


Hey keep it up. I weigh in on Sundays/MOndays. Lets keep in touch. I loved this post and knwo that you are so far from being alone. It's hard when you used to look one way and now look another. You can do it. Hang in there. ANd look forward to your updates. And BTW, keep writing from the heart. Love that you are real as well. :)

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