Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Weigh In and Tasty Breakfast

Oh Monday how I love to hate you, even more now that I weigh in first thing in the morning. The way I figure it is, Monday is already one of "those" days so why not weigh on Monday?! If the scale tells me that I have made no progress or that the cheese cake I ate added another dimple to my thighs I'll already be grumpy cause it's Monday so it won't ruin my day. On the other hand if the scale tells me that those afternoon walks I have been taking have got me shedding a pound or two then it makes my Monday a little more bearable.
My plan for this past week was to eat a little better and make it to the gym at least three times. I shouldn't have planned for that cause "plans" never work out. So I did make healthier choices... Smaller portions and less junk. I didn't bake this week so that always makes a difference. However John brought home cheese cake that we snacked on all weekend... Oh so delicious, but ughhh for my waist line. Of course I only made it to the gym once, but I had a great work out and it gave me the motivation that I needed. The sun was out so we played outside a lot and went for a walk several days.
The week wasn't a total loss, but it didn't go how I had envisioned it so I was beating myself up a little last night when I remembered "Monday weigh in". This morning I got up and totally forgot to weigh so I came out and ate my breakfast. As I was taking the last bite I cursed at myself, how could I forget to weigh before I ate?! Oh well it's Monday after all so belly full of oatmeal and blueberries I went in and weighed.... To my pleasant surprise I lost two pounds last week.
Now my scale and I seem to be having a constant battle over these two pounds, I lose it, I gain it, I maintain it... So this is a small victory and I am determined to continue winning and not let that scale give me those two pounds back.
Ok so here is a little yummy breakfast that I love as I am sure a lot of people do...
Fruit Loaded Oatmeal
3/4 cup quaker quick cooking oats
1/2 cup fruit
1-3/4 cups water
2 TBS. brown sugar
1/4 cup slivered almonds (optional)
2 TBS. milk (optional)
In a microwave safe bowl add oats, fruit, water, brown sugar and almonds. Stir... Place in microwave and heat for 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 minutes. Add milk (I like the creaminess the milk adds) stir and enjoy.
This gives you a breakfast packed full of fiber (and protein if you add the nuts) that will keep you full all morning. Right now I have been using blueberries, but I also love to use... raisins, sliced strawberries, peaches, and bananas.


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